Site improvements building permit

You need a site improvement permit for exterior projects, such as:

  • Landscape/hardscape projects
  • Retaining walls
  • Exterior site stairs
  • Patios
  • Site features such as fountains, arbors, trellis, fire pits
  • Site drainage

Most above ground exterior modifications require design review approval first.

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  • General
  • Drainage

Requirements and attachments

When you apply online, you can upload documents with your application. Make sure to upload all of the required documents. If your application is not complete, this will extend the time it takes to issue your permit.

  • Title page with project address, contacts, scope, date and blank area for reviewer notes (Example: 11x17 | Example: 24x36)
  • Existing Site Plan
  • Proposed Site Plan
  • Proposed Enlarged Floor Plans as necessary
  • Proposed Elevations
  • Sections, details, notes required to describe the scope of work
  • Electrical Plans, if in scope
  • Structural drawings and calculations as required
  • Survey, if required
  • Construction Management Plan (Guidelines | Example)
  • Landscape Plan
  • WELO Submittal Package if over 2500 square feet of landscape is being proposed or replaced
  • C.3 Stormwater Statement and details if over 2500 square feet of impervious surface is being proposed or replaced
  • Statement of Special Inspections if required
  • Sound Calc for exterior equipment, if required
  • Arborists Report, if required
  • Contractor or Owner-Builder Declarations (required for all projects)
  • Projects over $50k require Construction & Demolition Debris Recycling Statement (DRS)

Site drainage

Site drainage permits include area drains, foundation drainage, stormwater and downspout connections.

You need an encroachment permit from Public Works if your project:

  • Includes work in the public right of way
  • Discharges additional stormwater to the street

Required documents for drainage permit:

  • Title page with project address, contacts, scope, date and blank area for AHJ notes Existing Site Plan indicating location of work (Example: 11x17 | Example: 24x36)
  • Proposed Site Plan/floor plan including drainage piping diagram, cleanouts, sump pumps, outflow locations, or dispersion areas.
  • Sections, details, notes required to describe the scope of work
  • C.3 Stormwater Statement and details if over 2500 square feet of impervious surface is being proposed or replaced
  • Hydrology calculations showing existing vs proposed flows. This must account for all new stormwater entering the drainage system. Note that if existing downspouts are being redirected to the new system, the associated roof areas must be included in the calculation.
  • Contractor or Owner-Builder Declarations (required for all projects)
  • Projects over $50k require Construction & Demolition Debris Recycling Statement (DRS)

Learn about required documents for all permits.

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Related permits and approvals

Design review