Pool building permit

You need a permit if you are building or repairing a swimming pool. This permit type can be used for new pools, modifications to pools, hot tubs, and pool demolition.

If your project is part of a larger site improvement project, or home renovation, a separate permit may be required. Contact us to discuss.

New pools, modifications to size and layout or other exterior modifications require design review approval first.

Apply on eTRAKiT

Requirements and attachments

When you apply online, you can upload documents with your application. Make sure to upload all of the required documents. If your application is not complete, this will extend the time it takes to issue your permit.

Pool demolition

Pool demolition permits are exempt from design review exemption #18. Use this permit type if the scope of work is to demolish an existing pool, fill-in, and provide basic site improvements.

If your project is more extensive and includes site features that require planning review, use the Site Improvements permit type.

Learn about required documents for all permits.

Apply on eTRAKiT

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