Join a Neighborhood Watch group

If you want to help make your neighborhood safer, join your local Neighborhood Watch group.

If the area where you live doesn’t have a group yet, start one.

Need to know

  • Neighborhood Watch groups are volunteer based
  • It doesn’t cost money to belong to one

Before you start

As a member of your local Neighborhood Watch group, you’ll:


1. Contact our Neighborhood Watch coordinator

Send an email to [email protected] and let us know you're interested in joining your local neighborhood watch group.

2. We will connect you with the block captain for your area.

What’s next

After you join, your block captain will let you know when the next meeting is. At this meeting, you’ll meet your neighbors and members of the police department. You will learn how to work together on local safety issues.

Here are a few things to review before your first meeting:

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