Report suspicious activity

If you see or hear something suspicious, call the police department immediately and describe the activity as accurately as possible. This information will help you be the best witness you can.

Need to know

  • If it’s an emergency, call 9-1-1
  • Do not intervene or try to stop a crime from happening
  • Paying close attention to detail will help you be the best witness you can
  • Stay on the phone and provide real-time information to help the responding officers

Before you start

Be aware of your surroundings and people around you during the day.

Suspicious activities may be people doing unusual things that may be related to a crime like:

  • Looking into windows
  • Trying to force open doors
  • Driving past repeatedly
  • Parking, but not exiting the car
  • Carrying a weapon

When you provide information to the police, it’s helpful to give detailed and accurate descriptions.


1. Contact the Police department

If it’s an emergency, call 9-1-1. If it’s not, call 510-420-3000.

2. Provide your name and address

If you prefer to remain anonymous, let the dispatcher know and your information will remain confidential.

3. Provide details to the dispatcher

The dispatcher will ask:

4. Stay on the phone until the dispatcher ends the call.

What’s next

Make sure the dispatcher has your contact information so they can follow up with you if it’s needed. You may be able to help later as a witness. Taking notes or recording a video can help.

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