Turnaround times for building permits

Turnaround times for processing building permits depend on the type and complexity. Here are some estimated time frames so you can plan around them.

Many simple permits can be approved within about a month. If information is missing or does not meet the requirements, a back-and-forth could extend the time frame for approval.

Plan check

We review projects to make sure they conform to local, state, and federal regulations. We conduct an initial review of your project within 3 business days to flag if anything major is missing.

You can expect to hear back from us within 2 to 8 weeks, depending on the complexity of your project. Small, uncomplicated permits take about 2 to 4 weeks to review. It takes about 5 to 8 weeks for us to conduct an initial review of a larger, more complex project.


If information is missing or does not meet the requirements, we will contact you and let you know:

  • You will get plan review comments in the online eTRAKiT system.
  • You will need to fix the error and resubmit your plans online.

This may extend the time frame for approval.

Tips for faster turnaround times

  • Ask us any questions you have before you submit your application. If it’s a complex project, meet with us first.
  • Use high-quality design professionals.
  • Make sure your plans reflect and comply with current building, electrical, plumbing, and energy efficiency codes.
  • Review the General Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Design Guidelines, and other standards.
  • Provide required documentation for each project type, including contractor or owner-builder declarations.