Deadline extended: Older adult recreation survey now closes Tuesday, April 11th
Published March 8, 2023 | Updated April 7, 2023
Help the Piedmont Recreation Department better understand how we can support the recreation needs of older adults in our community by completing a brief online survey.
This survey is an opportunity for older adults (50 and older), within and outside Piedmont, to let us know how well current offerings meets this community’s needs and what types of programs would be of interest in the future. City staff and the Recreation Commission’s Subcommittee on Older Adult Programming will use the information gathered to shape future programming for older adults.
The survey asks older adults to weigh in on:
- Overall satisfaction with recreational opportunities in Piedmont
- Whether you’ve participated in adult programming from the Piedmont Recreation Department, Piedmont Adult School, or other organized programs
- What type of adult activities you would be interested in seeing from the Recreation Department
- What are the most important considerations in selecting programs to attend
The survey will remain open through April 8, 2023 April 11, 2023 and should take less than 10 minutes to complete.
Complete the survey online
Please share widely with older adults in your network.
Survey part of larger effort to improve older adult programming
The survey is part of a larger effort to improve and expand Recreation offerings for older adults. In August 2022, the Recreation Commission formed a subcommittee to examine older adult programming, consisting of Commissioners Lisa Gardner, Dick Carter, and Recreation Supervisor Eva Phalen.
After researching older adult programming in other communities and inviting in-person feedback at Commission meetings, the subcommittee is now looking to hear directly from a wider group of older adults via the online survey. Special thanks to Piedmont resident Wendy Fitzgerald, who worked with the subcommittee to develop the survey.
Current Recreation Department activities targeted to older adults include a weekly walking group and a sewing and crafting circle, a monthly reading group and film group, a variety of fitness programs, and art, photography, and cooking classes and the Piedmont Seniors, a social group that meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month.
For questions about the survey, contact Recreation Supervisor Eva Phalen at [email protected].