Explorer Program
The Piedmont Police Explorer Program is an opportunity for young adults between the ages of 14 and 21 years to become exposed to a career in law enforcement. The program is part of Learning for Life, a school career-based education program that is sponsored by the Boy Scouts of America.

The Police Explorer Program is designed to give teens an opportunity to learn about law enforcement through a "hands on" approach. Explorers receive training in various aspects of criminal law, police procedures, laws of arrest, and crime scene investigation. They also participate as ride-a-long observers with officers on patrol and serve their community by working at community events and assisting with other services provided by the police department when needed. Explorers wear uniforms and hold positions of rank within their organized structure.
The requirements to apply are:
14 to 21 years old.
"C" or better grade point average.
No history of arrests, running away, poor school attendance, etc.
Demonstrated level of responsibility and maturity.
Participation in a minimum of six (6) hours per month.
Officer David Cutler | [email protected]
Officer Nicole Casalnuovo | ncasalnuovo@piedmont.ca.gov
If you are interested in becoming a Police Explorer and meet the minimum qualifications, please contact one of our Police Explorer Advisors to discuss applying for a position.
Juvenile Officer
The responsibilities of the Juvenile Officer include being a liaison with the Piedmont Unified School District on school-related issues where the Piedmont Police Department can provide assistance, investigating citywide crimes involving juveniles, reducing tobacco product consumption, and providing education and outreach on a wide variety of law enforcement issues related to the children of our community.
Tobacco Use Reduction Program
The California Healthcare, Research and Prevention Tax Act of 2016 (Proposition 56) provides local public agencies with funding to promote a healthier California by reducing illegal sales and marketing of cigarettes and tobacco products to minors. The Office of the Attorney General makes these annual funds available to local law enforcement agencies through the California Department of Justice Tobacco Grant Program.
The Office of the Attorney General has partnered with the Piedmont Police Department in this effort. The Juvenile Office manages this grant and actively works to discourage youth consumption of tobacco products by targeting the illegal sale and marketing of tobacco products to minors.