
The process of regulating the character of construction in the city to protect the integrity and beauty of Piedmont neighborhoods includes both the General Plan and City Code Chapter 17, the City's Zoning Ordinance. Piedmont is divided into five districts or zones. Within each zone only certain uses of land and buildings are permitted and certain other uses of land and buildings are restricted or prohibited. Other uses may be "conditionally" permitted if they meet certain criteria.

The City of Piedmont is divided into five zones (Piedmont Zoning Map):

  • Zone A - Single Family Residential Zone

  • Zone B - Public Facilities Zone

  • Zone C - Multi-Family Residential Zone

  • Zone D - Commercial and Mixed-Use Commercial/Residential Zone

  • Zone E - Single Family Residential Estate Zone

More than 95 percent of Piedmont's single family homes are located in Zone A. Less than 5% are in Zone E. Multi-family dwellings are generally located in Zone C.


Piedmont has two small areas which are zoned for commercial business and mixed-use commercial/residential (Zone D) and anyone wishing to conduct business in these zones must apply for a Conditional Use Permit. The Conditional Use Permit is reviewed by staff and is then scheduled for consideration by both the Planning Commission and the City Council. When approved, a Conditional Use Permit states the approved hours of operation, number of employees, parking restrictions and other details regarding the business.

Contact the Planning Division to verify your zoning district. Chapter 17 of the Piedmont City Code contains the specific regulations for each zone in the city.