Public records
A public record is written or recorded information related to our operations, activities, and decision-making processes. This includes documents, emails, maps, audio and video recordings, and photographs.
Anyone can request a public record. This ensures transparency in government affairs.
Learn how to request a public record
Submit a public records request online
- Meeting minutes and agendas
- Emails and correspondence
- Contracts and agreements
- Permits and licenses
- Budgets and financial records
- Inspection and investigation reports
- Police reports and records
- Public employee salaries and benefits
- Policy documents and administrative rules
- Planning and zoning documents
Online, available anytime
We publish many public records online and you can view them anytime.
Meetings and agendas
Audited financial statements
Campaign finance reports
Redactions and denied requests
Some records are considered exempt from disclosure to protect privacy, security, and other sensitive matters. This means we may redact certain parts or deny the request.
Examples of exempted records:
- Personnel records
- Attorney/Client privileged
- Pending litigation
- Draft documents
- Ongoing police investigations
If a request is overly broad, it could also be denied. If you are not sure what to ask for, contact us before you make the request.