Conditional Use Permits


Applications for Conditional Use Permit are governed by division 17.68 of the Piedmont City Code. This division is a part of Chapter 17 of the City Code. The Planning Commission will hold a hearing on the application and make a recommendation to the City Council. In order to approve the application, the City Council must make the following findings:

  1. The proposed use is compatible with the general plan and conforms to the zoning code.
  2. The use is primarily intended to serve Piedmont residents (rather than the larger region).
  3. The use will not have a material adverse effect on the health, safety or welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity. Considerations for this finding include: no substantial increase in traffic, parking, or noise; no adverse effect on the character of the neighborhood; no tendency to adversely affect surrounding property values.

Please see City Code sections 17.20.030, 17.22.030, 17.24.030, 17.26.030, and 17.28.030 and division 17.68 for more detail, but generally, projects that require a Conditional Use Permit include:

  • A proposed change of the commercial use of a building in Zone D;
  • A structural change relating to a commercial use in Zone D;
  • A new or modified multi-family development as part of a mixed-use development in Zone D;
  • Or a proposed new church, school or commercial use, as outlined in the City’s Municipal Code.

How to apply

The City of Piedmont has a new online permitting system called eTRAKiT. You can now apply for and track your conditional use planning permit online. Paper and email applications for this planning permit are no longer accepted.

Before you apply, we recommend you contact us to discuss your proposed use. This will often lead to a faster turnaround time.

Application documents

When you apply online, you will need to upload documents based on the application type and make findings to show that the proposed project meets the Conditional Use Permit criteria outlined in Chapter 17 of the City’s Municipal Code (§17.68.040).

Upload your completed worksheet with the other documents when you apply online.

Apply for a conditional use planning permit
