Senate Bill 9 housing development

Senate Bill 9 is a state law that makes it easier to subdivide or build a 2-unit or duplex housing development in a single-family zone. This streamlined process requires ministerial approval. This means that it can be approved by staff and a public hearing is not required.

You can apply to do 1 or both of these types of housing development:

  • Build 2 primary units on a single-family zoned lot
  • Subdivide a parcel in a single-family zone into 2 parcels

SB 9 facilitates the creation of up to 4 housing units in the lot area typically used for 1 single-family home. SB 9 includes eligibility criteria addressing:

  • Environmental site constraints (e.g., wetlands, wildfire risk, etc.)
  • Anti-displacement measures for renters and low-income households
  • Protection of historic structures and districts

How to apply

Download and complete the Senate Bill 9 Housing Development application form and Senate Bill 9 Urban Lot Split application form. Submit the application along with the required drawings and supported documents to the Planning Division.

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