City budget: Public hearing on Monday, June 3

City Council considers proposed FY2024-25 budget at June 3 public hearing

Published May 31, 2024

The City Council will hold the first of two public hearings on Piedmont’s proposed FY2024-25 budget at their regular meeting on Monday, June 3.

The budget, adopted annually, serves as a major policy document and describes how Piedmont intends to finance its services and infrastructure in the coming year. The proposed FY2024-25 budget maintains existing service levels citywide. Notable new elements include:

  • Investment in systems to improve efficiency and service delivery: The proposed budget includes multiple technology and modernization projects, including a Public Works workflow and assessment management system, digitization of paper records, online business licenses, and an upgraded City website.

  • Addition of a Dispatch Supervisor position: This is the second of two new Dispatcher positions made possible by the passage of Measure F.

The proposed budget also leverages significant State and Federal resources to augment local tax dollars, with $2.9 million in outside grant funding - an increase of $2.2 million over FY2023-24. These funds support work across the full spectrum of City services:

  • capital and infrastructure projects such as street repair, 9-1-1 dispatch center relocation, and community pool electrification
  • updating the City’s Hazard Mitigation Plan
  • Piedmont Police Department’s Juvenile Officer
  • Planning costs related to implementation of the 6th Cycle Housing Element

Review committee endorses proposed budget; encourages more work on long-term infrastructure needs

Monday’s public hearing will include a presentation from the Budget Advisory and Financial Planning Committee on their analysis of the proposed budget. The Committee’s written report to Council endorses the plan, stating:

“The proposed budget for FY 24-25 reflects the City’s continued commitment to conservative budgeting and financial discipline. This approach ensures that the City can continue to provide high quality public services, replace aging equipment, and address infrastructure repairs, while retaining a strong General Fund. Further, the City continues to fund reserves to handle potential increases in pension and retiree health care liabilities and can accommodate those costs without impacting services.”

Looking forward, the Committee’s letter encourages the City to further quantify and plan for future infrastructure costs, identifying aging buildings, storm drain infrastructure, and road conditions as particular areas of concern.

The proposed budget begins to address these issues with funding allocated to initiate master planning for the replacement of the City’s Police and Fire Stations – aging facilities that no longer meet modern safety standards for essential services facilities.

Share feedback online, in person, or by Zoom

Community members can share comments at the meeting in person or via Zoom:

FY2024-25 Budget Public Hearing #1
Monday, June 3, 6pm
City Council Chambers, 120 Vista Avenue

The Council is expected to adopt the budget following a second public hearing on June 17.