PRD Air Quality Guidelines*
To help ensure the safety of all program participants and staff, PRD monitors weather conditions and air quality closely. In the event of inclement weather or unsafe air quality, PRD programming may be moved, modified, postponed, or cancelled at the discretion of PRD staff.
Air Quality Monitoring Site
PRD uses the
AirNow website (which references
Bay Area Air Quality Management District's Laney College Monitor), to determine current PM2.5 levels. The
Fire and Smoke Map was jointly made by the EPA and the US Forest Service and provides consolidated air quality from several sources in one place. To access your area, click on the colored dot icon on the left side of the map to see specific monitors in our area.
AQI Thresholds and Notifications
AQI can change quickly throughout the day and decisions may need to be made right before the start of a program or during a program. Advance notification may not be possible. Cancellation of the program will be the responsibility of PRD staff, or their designated representative, at the program site.
PRD & PMS Sports
Youth and Middle School Sports will follow the PUSD's AQI cancellation procedure for athletics. If AQI exceeds 100 PM2.5 (101–150 PM2.5 range is unhealthy for sensitive groups), programming may be modified and/or moved to an indoor location, pending availability. PRD will update families, via email, when information is available.
Schoolmates & PRD After-School Programs
If AQI exceeds 100 PM2.5 (101–150 pm2.5) range is unhealthy for sensitive groups), programming may be modified and/or moved to an indoor location, pending availability.
If AQI reaches 125 PM2.5, parents will receive a status update notification via email. Staff will try to give families at least 90-minutes notice regarding program changes. If after 90 minutes, AQI is still above 125 PM2.5, or exceeds 150 PM2.5, programming may be cancelled. If AQI has fallen below 125 PM2.5 within 90 minutes, programs will continue.
If AQI reaches or exceeds 150 PM2.5, programs will be cancelled, regardless of time frame.
Preschool Programs
If AQI exceeds 100 PM2.5 (101–150 pm2.5 range is unhealthy for sensitive groups), programming will be modified and moved to their indoor location.
If AQI reaches or exceeds 125 PM2.5, programs will be cancelled.
Credit/Refund Policy for Programs Affected by AQI
Participants will automatically be credited for programs/classes that are cancelled prior to their scheduled start time due to unsafe Air Quality. Credits do not expire and may be used at any time for future PRD programming. Programs that are cancelled while in session will not be credited.
*subject to change