Moraga Canyon Specific Plan: Council awards contract to help plan the future of Moraga Canyon
Posted on 07/18/2023

City Council awards contract for Moraga Canyon Specific Plan

Published July 11, 2023 | Updated July 18, 2023

UPDATE (July 18, 2023): The City Council unanimously voted to award a contract for preparation of the Moraga Canyon Specific Plan to JZMK Partners on Monday, July 17. Video of the discussion is available for download or streaming.


The City of Piedmont is moving forward with the Moraga Canyon Specific Plan – one of the centerpieces of the 6th Cycle Housing Element. The City Council will consider awarding a contract for the preparation of the Specific Plan to JZMK Partners at their regular meeting on Monday, July 17th.

Once a contract is awarded, staff will immediately begin working with the project team on research and site evaluations, with public engagement expected to begin in the fall.

The ultimate result of this process will be the creation of a detailed development plan for the Moraga Canyon area that documents where new housing will be located, how existing uses will be reconfigured, and what infrastructure improvements will be needed.

Specific Plan aims to add new housing while improving safety and enhancing existing uses

This process will study all City-owned land in Moraga Canyon, including Blair Park, Coaches Field, Kennelly Skate Park, and the City’s Corporation Yard, with the end goal of creating a detailed plan for how to:

  • incorporate 132 units of new housing, 60 of which would be reserved for lower income households
  • maintain and improve existing City facilities, open space, and recreational amenities
  • improve bicycle, pedestrian, and traffic safety
  • improve wildfire safety

The entire process is expected to take a little over two years. More information is available in the City Council agenda report.

Public engagement opportunities begin in fall 2023

The process begins with a thorough examination of existing conditions in the area. JZMK Partners, working with City staff, will study all facets of the site, from existing land use to utility locations to topography, soil and drainage to create a comprehensive pictures of opportunities and constraints on the site.

The team will use this information to create a series of development concepts, which will each be evaluated for their economic feasibility and long-term fiscal impact to the City.

Starting this fall, community members will be able to help shape the plan via surveys, public workshops, and neighborhood meetings. Following this initial phase of engagement, community members will have more opportunities to weigh in at a series of presentations and workshops at City Commission and Council meetings.

Once a preferred concept has been identified, JZMK will then begin creating a detailed site plan, including development standards for future housing and illustrative renderings. Ultimately, this process will produce a comprehensive document that details, with maps and diagrams, all anticipated land uses and necessary infrastructure on the site, standards and criteria for development in the area, and the steps needed to implement the plan, including financing.

Community members can stay informed about progress on the specific plan and future engagement opportunities by subscribing to the Moraga Canyon Specific Plan updates email newsletter.