Sustainability Division Overview

The Sustainability Division of the Public Works Department helps to manage the City’s natural and built environment, including climate adaptation and hazard mitigation; natural resource management; solid waste and recycling collection services; water conservation; transportation; green infrastructure; and more. Take a look at the City’s different programs and initiatives by visiting the links on the left.

The basic concept behind sustainability is that natural resources should be managed so they are not permanently depleted or lost for future generations. The concept goes beyond many environmental concerns and touches social, economic, and public health issues. This is why sustainability is a top priority of the City.

City of Piedmont Sustainability Policy

It is the intent of the City of Piedmont to be a sustainable community – one which meets its current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In adopting this policy, the City of Piedmont accepts its responsibility, through its operations, programs and services, to:

  • Continuously improve the quality of life for all Piedmont residents without adversely affecting others.
  • Enhance the quality of air, water, land and other natural resources through conservation, reduced pollution, increased efficiency, and protection of native vegetation, wildlife habitat, and other ecosystems.
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions, specifically by reducing landfilled waste, energy consumption, and water consumption, and by encouraging waking, bicycling and other alternative travel modes.
  • Encourage greener methods of construction.
  • Support small local businesses that use sustainable practices in their own operations.
  • Promote public education and awareness of sustainability issues.
  • Align and partner with community groups, businesses, residents, non-profits, and neighboring communities where appropriate to work toward these goals.

The above policy is incorporated by reference into the City’s General Plan and is intended to complement the other goals, policies, and objectives in all Plan Elements.

Contact Us

Contact email: [email protected] 
Physical Address: 120 Vista Avenue, Piedmont, CA 94611