Register your security camera

Footage from personal surveillance cameras can help us investigate neighborhood crimes, such as burglary or car theft. Registering your video surveillance camera, lets us know that you have one. We will then be able to see where cameras are located.

Need to know

  • There is no cost to register your camera
  • It’s an optional and voluntary program
  • This is available for residential and commercial property owners

Before you start

Learn how to retrieve information from your cameras. If you aren’t sure how, let us know.


1. Send us an email at [email protected]


  • Your name
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Type of camera you have
  • Number of cameras on your property

What’s next

If there is a crime in your neighborhood, we will contact you if we think your footage might help us solve it. We will always ask permission to review the video on your security system.

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